amd64 image too big for DVD

I went to install FreeBSD 14.2 today on an older (ex) gaming rig of mine. Since it's a multi core/thread CPU with 24 Gig of RAM I downloaded this:


However, when I went to burn it to DVD it wouldn't because it's too big. I tried a DVD+R and a DRD-R to no avail.

I do have a copy I burnt to DVD at work I'll grab the next time I'm there (not til Friday) but I'm curious what's going on.

I've run into this before, albeit with Windows Server, not FreeBSD. Personally, I prefer the USB image, but if that's not a viable option, you'll have to get a double-layered DVD. It seems WalMart carries them, at least in my area, though you should be able to find them pretty much anywhere.
I reached out to Colin Percival (release engineering lead.) He’s aware of it and has “fits on DVD” on the checklist for future releases.

(Will have to drop some packages.)
Very cool....I seem to still end up making DVD's on a regular basis so that would be handy. To be completely honest, I still have quite a few blank DVD's here at home and at work to use up. Also, I don't have a BSD box at home at the moment. The old one died and this will be it's replacement.

I can make a bootable install USB stick when I get back to the shop. I have a couple BSD boxes there. Or just grab the v14 disc I made a few weeks back.
It was a problem for me too at first. I like DVDs because they are cheap and easy to store, and especially because they have enough room to write a description on (date, system, version, etc.). I couldn't find any blank dual-layer discs in the shops, and I'm not sure if I could burn an image to one anyway. Discs and drives are becoming hard to find now. On the positive side, I found that installing from a USB stick is a lot faster and quieter than from a disc.
In the meantime it's still possible to burn the 1.3GB disc1.iso and then the rest is downloaded during installation. It just takes longer. I did this before I found out how to burn a DVD image file to a USB stick.
Update: I found some dual layer DVD-R discs in a shop and used the following command to write the image:

growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cd0=FreeBSD-14.2-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso

I had to be logged in as root because growisofs does not work with sudo, for good reason as the manual page explains.The disc boots without a problem.