Aliexpress "Mini PC model X44"

I'm getting this mini PC to use it as router, was wondering if anyone has it running (or something similar from same vendor)

Unfortunately it doesn't even have a name, let alone normal spec written down like chipset, etc. I'm getting the i3 variant, I guess everything will turn out ok because of pfsense "support".

I'll keep updating this thread with installation and usage experience quirks, if any.
Those are usually sold under the Topton label:

TBH I'd always choose the N5105 (or other low-TDP) variants of those small networking appliances. Primarily because that CPU is absolutely sufficient for anything running on such router/edge devices while still maintaining halfway bearable temperatures.

We are running 4 Topton N5105 systems with 4x i225 as VPN routers and I also have one at home as my primary router. I installed an additional 40x40x10mm Sunon fan (0.59W - practically inaudible) in all of them to keep temperatures at reasonable levels. Otherwise the NVMe (WD blue, which usually are really low on power consumption and heat dissipation) gets quite hot without any airflow, especially if an additional LTE module is used (which also gets crazy hot). The cases were also too hot to touch without the fan.
I really don't want to find out how hot an i7 or even an i5 would get in those cases... I'm guessing those are heavily throttled either by power restrictions in the BIOS or simply due to running into thermal throttling.

As for the chipsets in those systems: only standard intel stuff, no exotic or crippled "custom" variants.
The only problem I had was/is a botched ACPI/AML which caused a GPE/interrupt storm on OpenBSD. FreeBSD has a mechanism to silence/override GPEs (, for OpenBSD I have to build a custom Kernel with that GPE disabled. Using a small-ish VM this takes a few minutes, on the N5105 considerably longer, but not unbearably long.