C Advice on building a templating engine in ANSI C

Hello community,

I’m looking for some good guides or advice on building a simple templating engine in ANSI C for text files. Essentially, it would be the same concept as Jinja, but simpler. It is mainly for educational purposes. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


For example, a tool that can insert raw text into an area of a text file:
{{ path/to/rawtext/file }}
Many of the existing tools require python or php, or have too many features.
My ContentCGI can be used for this. It's content-delegate plugin already injects code into web pages on the fly, and it shouldn't be too hard to strip it down for your purposes. It is mainly written in C11 and only some few parts are written in Objective-C for the request dispatcher. The project seems to be headed to another direction, don't be confused, it is easily extensible by the way of plugins to any purpose of dynamic web apps. Instead to stripping down the content-delegate, you could also start using the bare-bones hello-delegate as a template.
Hello and thank you for the response. I checked out your project, along with many others, and determined that I can probably get the simple features I want with some <string.h> magic. Good luck with your project.