Hi there.
I completed the installation of FreeBSD on my comp.
My computer has 2 HDD. On the first HDD I have Ubuntu and I think but not sure that has ext3 FS.
I created the mount point an try some:
How can I mount the Linux HDD and where is in /dev?
it is ad6, ad6s1, ad6s2, ad6s5?
I completed the installation of FreeBSD on my comp.
My computer has 2 HDD. On the first HDD I have Ubuntu and I think but not sure that has ext3 FS.
I created the mount point an try some:
# fdisk -l
fdisk: illegal option -- l
usage: fdisk [-BIaipstu] [-b bootcode] [-1234] [disk]
fdisk -f configfile [-itv] [disk]
# # ls /dev/
acd0 cuad0.init kbdmux0 stdout ttyvb
acpi cuad0.lock klog sysmouse ttyvc
ad6 cuad1 kmem ttyd0 ttyvd
ad6s1 cuad1.init log ttyd0.init ttyve
ad6s2 cuad1.lock mdctl ttyd0.lock ttyvf
ad6s5 dcons mem ttyd1 ukbd0
ad8 devctl net ttyd1.init ums0
ad8s1 devstat net1 ttyd1.lock urandom
ad8s1a dgdb net2 ttyp0 usb
ad8s1b dumpdev net3 ttyp1 usb0
ad8s1c fd net4 ttyv0 usb1
ad8s1d fido network ttyv1 usb2
ad8s1e fw0 nfs4 ttyv2 usb3
ad8s1f fw0.0 nfslock ttyv3 usb4
ata fwmem0 null ttyv4 usb5
atkbd0 fwmem0.0 pci ttyv5 usb6
audit geom.ctl ptyp0 ttyv6 usb7
console io ptyp1 ttyv7 xpt0
consolectl kbd0 random ttyv8 zero
ctty kbd1 stderr ttyv9
cuad0 kbd2 stdin ttyva
How can I mount the Linux HDD and where is in /dev?
it is ad6, ad6s1, ad6s2, ad6s5?