Online Handbook - search function does not work


The search funtion in the online Handbook stopped working. Porters Handbook too.
Anyone else experiencing the same?
If you want to do search on the Handbook, do search-term site: This works on any specific chapter, too. And any site for that matter.
To search a specific term in the online handbook, open Single HTML and use the browsers "find" function, i.e. Firefox: "Find in page" Ctrl + f or "Quick find" /.

I have the online Single HTML handbook saved as complete web page locally and bookmarked it in the browser for fast and easy access (FAQ, FreeBSD Porter's Handbook (Single HTML) as well).

Evidently/unfortunately, there's no text version anymore:
You can save the Single HTML handbook as text file from inside a browser for example, or try textproc/html2text.

Non-split versions of the FreeBSD Handbook​


Unfortunately, FreeBSD bug 262661 – FreeBSD documentation: long HTML: references to items within the same document should not switch away (to short/split HTML)

… Someone mentioned this bug as a serious navigation pain point in their survey answers.

– that person might have been me.

misc/freebsd-doc-en conveniently includes the PDF, which is debatably less prone to the 262661 effect.

FreeBSD bug 264109 – misc/freebsd-doc-en FreeBSD Handbook outdated – should be fixed soon.