Hi there,
It is not very clear to me in the handbook as how to install TrueType fonts. Section 5.5.2:
Does it mean I should just copy those TrueType fonts from C:\Windows\Fonts\ to /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType, run #mkfontscale and continue other subsequent steps?
In the mean time there is /usr/ports/x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-truetype. What do I do with these fonts?
It is not very clear to me in the handbook as how to install TrueType fonts. Section 5.5.2:
Now make a directory for the TrueType® fonts (for example, /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType ) and copy all
of the TrueType® fonts into this directory. Keep in mind that TrueType® fonts cannot be directly taken from an
Apple® Mac®; they must be in UNIX®/MS-DOS®/Windows® format for use by Xorg....
Does it mean I should just copy those TrueType fonts from C:\Windows\Fonts\ to /usr/local/share/fonts/TrueType, run #mkfontscale and continue other subsequent steps?
In the mean time there is /usr/ports/x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-truetype. What do I do with these fonts?