Deleted member 9563
The problem of getting keys like end, home, backspace and delete to perform specific actions is apparently a common one, judging by the number of posts I've seen on the topic. I've tried various things over the years and have probably spend time adding up to days on this problem. I am posting here in case somebody has found a solution now, but mostly to document this extraordinary situation.
Current Environment:
KDE Development Platform: 4.14.10
Konsole: 2.14.2
Editor ne
Backspace works for me now, and I finally got home and end to do as expected instead of just showing tildes (~) by putting this in the .cshrc
It seems, however, that the delete key is resistant to any changes in behaviour. It insists on working the same as the backspace key. There is a comprehensive list of suggestions on this site, but none work in my environment. http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~mcrob/toolbox/unix/keyboard.html
I've looked at what seems like every conceivable configuration file that could have anything remotely to do with keys and terminals, but to no avail. If somebody has had this problem too, I'd be interesting in hearing some of the things you've tried. Perhaps something will work for me even if it didn't for you.
Current Environment:
KDE Development Platform: 4.14.10
Konsole: 2.14.2
Editor ne
Backspace works for me now, and I finally got home and end to do as expected instead of just showing tildes (~) by putting this in the .cshrc
if ($term == "xterm" || $term == "vt100" \
|| $term == "vt102" || $term !~ "con*") then
# bind keypad keys for console, vt100, vt102, xterm
bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey "\e[7~" beginning-of-line # Home rxvt
bindkey "\e[2~" overwrite-mode # Ins
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char # Delete
bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line # End
bindkey "\e[8~" end-of-line # End rxvt
It seems, however, that the delete key is resistant to any changes in behaviour. It insists on working the same as the backspace key. There is a comprehensive list of suggestions on this site, but none work in my environment. http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~mcrob/toolbox/unix/keyboard.html
I've looked at what seems like every conceivable configuration file that could have anything remotely to do with keys and terminals, but to no avail. If somebody has had this problem too, I'd be interesting in hearing some of the things you've tried. Perhaps something will work for me even if it didn't for you.