Solved FreeBSD 11 RELEASE do not have ports of sources and collection?


Testing FreeBSD 11 RELEASE has no sources or ports through the revision of subversion. Can only be installed via package (pkg) :(

In my tests I've tried to install in clean the ports and sources via subversion, but this time do not have any port in the revision of subversion.
Try the following commands:
# portsnap fetch
# portsnap extract
In my tests I've tried to install in clean the ports and sources via subversion, but this time do not have any port in the revision of subversion.
Please show the exact commands you used.
SirDice said:
Please show the exact commands you used.

To obtain and review the tree of ports and sources and documents is using subversion, fhowever in the version of FreeBSD 11 RELEASE, you do not get the ports and sources and documents. Only download those folders with some files but they are not the ports or sources and documents, for example:

# pkg install devel/subversion


# svn co svn:// /usr/src
No need to install Subversion, FreeBSD 10 and higher have svnlite(1).

svn co svn:// /usr/src
The command is wrong. Only developers have SVN access. Use HTTP or HTTPS:
svnlite co /usr/src
Thanks, solved, the sources or ports and documents through SVN (subversion) are available and documented the public to be used.

Example, get the source tree in clean through subversion:

# svn co svn:// /usr/src

And update sources:

# svn update /usr/src
HTTPS recommended to avoid man in the middle attacks:

# svnlite co /usr/src

And so on.