This past week I have noticed the clocks on my FreeBSD servers have been getting rapidly out of sync. Up to about 24 hours off over the course of a few days. It's not happening with all my FreeBSD servers, about half of them. The rest are sticking pretty close to the normal time, which is weird because they are all running identical configurations.
I found today that if I restart the openntpd daemon, the misaligned clocks temporarily sync up, but then quickly fall out of line again within half an hour. (The misbehaving clocks fell behind by about 3 minutes within half an hour.)
Any thoughts on how I can address this issue, apart from restarting the openntpd daemon in a cron job?
I found today that if I restart the openntpd daemon, the misaligned clocks temporarily sync up, but then quickly fall out of line again within half an hour. (The misbehaving clocks fell behind by about 3 minutes within half an hour.)
Any thoughts on how I can address this issue, apart from restarting the openntpd daemon in a cron job?