Other i3 configuration for FreeBSD

Today I had a surgery and hence enough time to play around and test x11-wm/i3. :)

I'd like to configure things a bit, especially status bar. But there are only Linux man-pages available and things like CPU temperature, which rely on /sys/devices, do not apply to FreeBSD.

Can someone nudge me in the right direction, where to find such info?


It doesn't :(

Only says "can't read temp" and Wifi also lacks info, instead of %quality it merely reads an "?"

Have you got your i3status.conf to share with me?
Here is the relevant entry in my i3status.conf for displaying the CPU temperature:
order += "cpu_temperature 0"
cpu_temperature 0 {
	path = "dev.amdtemp.0.core0.sensor0"
path should be a sysctl node provided by either amdtemp(4) or coretemp(4).
I only have

cpu_temperature 0 {
  format = "T: %degrees °C"
  path = "hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature"

If I add the "path" line and restart, it doesn't display data at all :)
I didn't need to add anything...this is my conf file:

general {
  output_format = "i3bar"
  colors = true
  color_good = "#202020"
  color_degraded = "#e5871f"
  color_bad = "#c83839"  
  interval = 5

order += "disk /"
order += "cpu_temperature 0"
order += "ethernet em0"
order += "tztime local"

ethernet em0 {
  # if you use %speed, i3status requires root privileges
  format_up = "E: %ip (%speed)"
  format_down = "E: down"

cpu_temperature 0 {
  format = "T:%degrees C"

tztime local {
  format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

load {
  format = "%1min"

disk "/" {
  format = "%avail"

and you can see it at the bottom...

If I add the "path" line and restart, it doesn't display data at all :)

Does sysctl hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature work at the command line? What does it say?

Usually the kernel modules mentioned by tobik are what you would use. If you have an Intel processor, kldload coretemp to get it right now and do sysrc kld_list+=coretemp to add it to your rc.conf for the next boot. If you have an AMD processor, do the same just with the amdtemp(4) kernel module. After loading it you would have the sysctl dev.cpu.0.temperature or the AMD equivalent tobik mentioned would be available.
Indeed, that was the problem! No idea why I read the letters "coretemp(4)" as "grep for coretemp in sysctl and see where you end up" :)

The Wifi problem remains though, if somebody has got a hint ready...