1. Please write as clearly as possible. Use English punctuation and capitalization, and avoid abbreviating things. This helps to improve the clarity of messages and make problems easier to solve.
2. Use BBCode formatting tags. As with punctuation, these tags make messages easier to read. For example, using the [cmd] tag on commands shows exactly which characters are part of the command. Here are the special BBCode tags we have added:
All BBCodes and examples are shown on the BBCode help page.
3. Our moderators will often correct posts, adding formatting tags and correcting mistakes. We appreciate when people get it all correct on the first try, but everyone can use help sometimes. Please help us by following these guidelines as best you can. If you have questions or need help, please contact us for help.
2. Use BBCode formatting tags. As with punctuation, these tags make messages easier to read. For example, using the [cmd] tag on commands shows exactly which characters are part of the command. Here are the special BBCode tags we have added:
[file] for file and directory names: [file]/etc/rc.conf[/file] shows /etc/rc.conf
[cmd] for commands that are typed: [cmd]echo "this is a test"[/cmd] shows
echo "this is a test"
[code] or [code=language] for listings and multiline output: [code]dbus_enable="YES"[/code] shows
[pman=sectnum] for port manual pages: [pman=1]rsync[/pman] shows rsync(1) (the section number is required, generates a link to the man page online)
[port] for ports: [port]www/apache24[/port] shows www/apache24 (both category and name are required, generates a link to the FreshPorts page online)
[pr] for Problem Reports: [pr]123456[/pr] shows PR 123456 (generates a link to the bug report database online)
[thread] for Threads: [thread]formatting-guidelines.49535[/thread] shows a link to that thread in the forums
All BBCodes and examples are shown on the BBCode help page.
3. Our moderators will often correct posts, adding formatting tags and correcting mistakes. We appreciate when people get it all correct on the first try, but everyone can use help sometimes. Please help us by following these guidelines as best you can. If you have questions or need help, please contact us for help.
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