14.1-RELEASE-P5 issues

Hello, again. I haven't been very active here for a bit, but am now getting back at it.

I recently upgraded one of my systems from 13.1 to 14.1-RELEASE-p5. Since doing that I have come up with several problems.

The first and most annoying one is that my desktop, which worked just fine under 13.1, will no longer load at all. I won't publish the error messages here yet, since there are OTHER issues I think I must contend with first, but basically, when I invoke startx I get that the system cannot find anything related to X. But, I'll deal with that later.

First of all, I get an error message about NTPD "Error resolving....". From a search of the forum, it appears that I need to add a netwait to my startup somewhere. I'll do that and see if that resolves that issue.

Secondly, when I attempt to upgrade my packages, I get an error telling me that my PORTSITE is incorrect.

So far, I have not yet found what that should be, nor how to fix that.

Anyone have any ideas?

Ken Gordon