14.1 freebsd-update gunzip: invalid compressed data--crc error - how do I find what's wrong and fix it?

It does this over and over.
# uname -a
FreeBSD remo 14.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE releng/14.1-n267679-10e31f0946d8 GENERIC arm64
# freebsd-update fetch
src component not installed, skipped
Looking up update.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 3 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 14.1-RELEASE from update2.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.
Preparing to download files... done.
The following files will be updated as part of updating to
# freebsd-update install
src component not installed, skipped
Installing updates...gunzip: invalid compressed data--crc error

Restarting sshd after upgrade
Performing sanity check on sshd configuration.
Stopping sshd.
Waiting for PIDS: 22866.
Performing sanity check on sshd configuration.
Starting sshd.
Scanning /usr/share/certs/untrusted for certificates...
Scanning /usr/share/certs/trusted for certificates...
Looks like one of the files it downloaded may have been corrupted. You can delete everything in /var/db/freebsd-update and run the fetch again.

rm -rf /var/db/freebsd-update/*
Ah. I wondered about that, or doing something similar with /var/db/freebsd-update/files/* but wasn't brave enough to do anything that cavalier without expert advice.

It looks like that did it! Thank you so much!

It's possible I interrupted freebsd-update during a fetch. Could that have caused this?
It's possible I interrupted freebsd-update during a fetch. Could that have caused this?
Possibly. But I would have expected an interrupted fetch to not save the file, but maybe it did save it partially.

In essence you can throw away everything in /var/db/freebsd-update/, it'll download everything again. This will work fine for 'new' patches or upgrades, don't remove those files if you're still in an freebsd-update -r <version> upgrade and freebsd-update install cycle. That directory also stores the 'rollback' information and the state of the upgrade install.