bhyve 14.1 CI image gets wrong system time

Hi All,

I'm in the process of setting up CI infrastructure to spawn the official FreeBSD CI images on a 14.1-RELEASE amd64 bhyve host.
When working with the FreeBSD-13.3-RELEASE-amd64-BASIC-CI.raw.xz image all is fine and the setup works. When i try do do the exact same thing with the FreeBSD-14.1-RELEASE-amd64-BASIC-CI.raw.xz image however, the system comes up with a wrong system time set. And not just by a bit, the time drift is huge: Thu Aug 1 23:13:15 CEST 2024 on the host (and the 13.3 vm) vs. Fri May 31 13:16:49 UTC 2024 on the 14.1 vm. Forget about the minutes, as there was some delay between the two date calls. The time zone and ntp will be configured by the bootstrap script, but with that big of a drift I can't even bootstrap pkg on the 14.1 vm (due to certificate validation errors,'s certificate currently is valid 'Not Before Wed, 31 Jul 2024 20:21:16 GMT').
Might note that i spawn the vms via libvirtd, but apart from the 'name', 'uuid' and 'disk/source' the xml files for the both vms do not differ.

Does anyone has an idea where this problem might come from and how i can fix it?

Thanks & best
Hmmm.... running the whole ting again, just to make sure it;s not a layer 8 problem; Even now, ~40mins. later, the time in the 14.1 vm is _exactly_ the same as before: Fri May 31 13:16:49 UTC 2024.
How can that be? Is the bhyve clock not detected and the system takes the last file timestamp? It is awfully close to the timestamp of FreeBSD-14.1-RELEASE-amd64-BASIC-CI.raw.xz: 2024-May-31 13:17
So i found a workaround; running ntpdate before starting the bootstrap script. However i don't think that's how this should be solved ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯