Solved 14.0After pkg upgrade sudo dont works

You probably didn't pay enough attention with pkg upgrade. Look in /var/log/messages and you'll probably find a message about the package getting deleted.

pkg info sudo will likely tell you it's not installed.
Is your user a member of the wheel group? Then su - and enter root's password. Then pkg install sudo to reinstall sudo.
Installed sudo from server. It has been deleted. MC was also removed. But su not works
su -
su: Sorry
Happened the same to me and reinstalling it was no problem at all.
Firefox and Thunderbird is also gone as well as vscode this last one is no longer available for reinstall.... yet.
Users disappeared from group wheel, only root remained
pw groupshow wheel

Added pw groupmod wheel -m user
Happened the same to me and reinstalling it was no problem at all.
Firefox and Thunderbird is also gone as well as vscode this last one is no longer available for reinstall.... yet.
As can be seen here, it is available, but only in the latest repository instead of the default quarterly.
The link is not working but where can I check the date of the next quarterly build?
This is the link referenced: Switch from quarterly to latest

The FreeBSD Handbook is your main resource; for switching to latest, see: Quarterly and Latest Ports Branches where you'll also find the dates when the Quarterly-s are being ''cut from HEAD" or, in other words, branched of the main branch in the Ports repository. When a new Quarterly branch of the Ports tree (=source code only) has been created, a large number of packages (=binaries) have to be built from the source code of that newly created branch by the FreeBSD build servers; that can take a few days.

(There are also two FreeBSD Wiki's with more info about ports and about Latest and Quarterly branches: FreeBSD Ports and Quarterly Branch Ports and Packages; both a google search away)
Indeed it did.
I decided to switch to `latest` package repository, but the harsh availability of vscode from time to time (or atleast in the last two/three months where I started using FreeBSD) have made me try LunarVim and I'd like to learn that properly.