13.1 Fails to boot when Serial port on MB disabled

Having upgraded from 13.1 recently, I am having issues with X - however.

Having disabled the Serial port on the MB. I can no longer boot 13.1 yet 13.2 boots just fine.

Is anyone able to shed some light as to why this might be?

Hello Zirias.

Sorry for delay in getting back.
Just usual broken stuff - resolved.

No unresolved issues in relation to X at this time.
Having disabled the Serial port on the MB. I can no longer boot 13.1 yet 13.2 boots just fine.
I read this backwards and deleted my answer. I thought you enabled serial then it wouldn't boot.

The opposite is totally weird. covacat is the answer king.
At the loader prompt you can try this too.
set hint.uart.0.disabled="1"
set hint.uart.1.disabled="1"

I am guessing by @covacats answer this is a weird serial port address and needs disabling.
We have seen it before.
this worked again :
Issue: atrtc0: timer being picked up by PNP. An issue that spans the vastness of time (in computing terms).