Solved 10.1-RELEASE install, ZFS and inactive swap

I recently discovered that the default ZFS install script for 10.1-RELEASE may not correctly set up the /etc/fstab file.

On a fresh install I noticed that there was no swap space active. Install did correctly make a partition for the swap. The /etc/fstab file indicated that swap should be activated on /dev/ada0p2 for whatever reason this was failing to be mounted as such.

Instead I had to alter my /etc/fstab to the disk label assigned by diskid. So /dev/ada0p2 became /dev/diskid/DISK-VB5edf7391-03f9b749p2 in my particular place. Matching the correct p2 parts.

Someone out there could maybe dedicate more time to why this is happening but if you notice missing swap after a ZFS install. This could be a quite and easy 'fix'.
This is actually what I did come across today. I don't use the installer to install FreeBSD but escape to shell and do the setup myself.
Today I needed to spawn a VM quickly and used the installer. I see the exact problem (10.1). At first glance I found no difference in the setup to my other servers.

On ada0 disk I see 3 partitions in /dev/diskid/, but no /dev/ada0p* partitions.

What setting / sysctl toggle is forcing this behavior ?