
  1. S

    ZFS Device Event Type "misc.fs.zfs.vdev_latency"

    Hello All, I have done lots of online search and couldn't find any article related to the device event type "misc.fs.zfs.vdev_latency"for ZFS system. So, finally have come to this community to seek some answers for it. Anyone know what is this event type. I guess it is related to the vdev...
  2. G

    Solved overmounts after manually creating file system

    For some reason zfs is mounting file systems in wrong order. When I create new zfs filesystem it is mounted correctly: [root@system ~]# zfs create zroot/usr/jails [root@system ~]# zfs set mountpoint=/usr/jails zroot/usr/jails [root@system ~]# mount zroot on / (zfs, local, nfsv4acls) devfs on...