x server

  1. freebsd_user

    Solved How to NVIDIA in Hybrid Mode?

    Hi, My laptop is an Optimus capable and there is no way to select Intel, NVIDIA, or Prime graphics from the BIOS. I am using Nvidia GTX 1660Ti Mobile and FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p3 (64-bit) with X11. # pciconf -lv | grep -B3 display vgapci1@pci0:0:2:0: class=0x030000 rev=0x05 hdr=0x00...
  2. Harmnot

    Solved Failed Startx after PKG install xorg

    I was install Xorg on x11/xorg to make install clean, but it was take times and more 2 hours , so I cancel it and run pkg install xorg Then trying to rename or remove the xorg.conf as handbook FreeBSD said and then startx The error message Open dev/drive/card0 : no such file or directory...
  3. A

    X server dies starting kde

    kdm ... X server died during startup... X server for display :0 cannot be started, session disabled It used to work fine on 10.3, but since upgraded to 11.0 I get only the above message. What to do?