web server

  1. A

    Apache tomcat 10 not detecting JAVA_HOME

    Hi I have configured apache tomcat 10 via pkg and it works fine except the Java version is not correct despite me adding eh java home variable in the setenv.sh file in the bin directory as follows: I have also set it in rc.conf but still no luck unclear what the issue could be
  2. S

    FreeBSD install rtorrent and ruTorrent on lighttpd full guide.

    This tutorial, described how to set up a torrent server on the FreeBSD operating system. The torrent server is based on rtorrent net-p2p/rtorrent. The GUI is ruTorrent. GUI is written in php. The server with php was lighttpd. www/lighttpd. Start by installing the server. pkg install lighttpd...
  3. H

    Could not find SSL Module and disabling session ticket module on Certbot

    Hi all good people I'm building a web using FAMP stack and use WP as CMS. at first it's going very smooth, no problem at all. I have very functional http website. Then, I want to make it has https and SSL I load the mod_ssl and disabling sessionticket off when deploying the cert i'm using...
  4. R

    Why I can't use a Load Balancer configured in Apache ?

    Hello everyone, as you can see in the title, I'm having some trouble trying to make a load balancer on one of my FreeBSD servers. I don't know why but the configuration that I'm giving to apache looks fine, because it's giving me a "syntax ok" when I restart the service, but asks me if the...
  5. P

    FreeNAS to FreeBSD, backups

    Hello, I have used FreeNAS for a number of years, mainly as a remote media server. I know this is bad practice, but I have never really done backups of any kind... Now, I need to setup a public web server that will hold user data. I have already created a FreeBSD jail (FAMP stack) on my...
  6. P

    Solved systemd alternative on FreeBSD

    I am currently using systemd for managing web applications (mainly written in GoLang and Ruby) as services on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7) and I am trying to port my web server configuration over to FreeBSD. My code runs fine on FreeBSD but I am not sure of how to manage the web application...
  7. M

    Xwiki in a jail

    Jails have confused me. My ultimate goal is to setup xwiki in a jail (after installing tomcat and MySQL). I have sucessfully created the jail with: iocage create tag=xwiki ip4_addr="ue0| started it: iocage start xwiki and accessed it: iocage console xwiki Now the output of ifconfig...
  8. scrappywan

    FreeBSD VPS Jailed Web Servers Network Isolation

    I have a VPS on Digitalocean which I used mfsbsd to reinstall FreeBSD with ZFS/zroot with PF as my firewall. My plan with this VPS is to run wordpress, a static site and owncloud each in their own jails. Currently, I use nginx on the host machine running as a reverse proxy, intercepting https...