
  1. N

    Solved Using NAT for both vm-bhyve and Bastille jail but no internet access on VM

    Hi. I was using NAT configuration because I am using wlan0 interface for internet on my PC and it was working well until Bastille changed the pf.conf. I don't have much knowledge about firewalls. I had this line in the pf configuration. nat on wlan0 from {} to any -> (wlan0)...
  2. C

    bhyve Command output after a virtual switch created

    I just started to install& configure vm-bhyve according with the tutorial from the github https://github.com/churchers/vm-bhyve , Even if i did the right steps after virtual switch creation, none of the guests have internet connection and a weird output of the vm switch info public... vm switch...
  3. pela0

    bhyve Bhyve weirdness in 14.0

    Hi forum... To start I wanna say that I'm not a newbie bhyve wise, in fact I've got right now 15 bhyve, servers each one with at least 10 vms, mostly Windows, some Linux and FreeBSD as well, the oldest is still 12.2, the newest 13.2... @home I have a little HP microserver in which I keep a...
  4. D

    bhyve After upgrade from 12.4 p9 to 13.2 RELEASE - VM cannot start

    Hi, running Home Assistant in a VM for quite awhile now, but after the upgrade, the VM will not start. The logs show an exit code I cannot find Feb 03 17:42:14: initialising Feb 03 17:42:14: [loader: uefi] Feb 03 17:42:14: [cpu: 4] Feb 03 17:42:14: [memory: 4GB] Feb 03 17:42:14...
  5. R

    bhyve vm-bhyve vlan tagged on virtual switch

    is it possible to have vlan tagged on virtual switch in vm-bhyve. i want to provide multiple vlans to docker container running in vm-bhyve guest.
  6. byrnejb

    bhyve vm clone - how to promote clone?

    I have a bhyve vm running Rocky Linux 8.7 (RL). I have vm-bhyve installed. I need to test that the upgrade to RL 8.8 will not disrupt the user application running on that vm. My plan is to clone the production vm and perform the upgrade on that. If everything goes well then I would like to...
  7. blazingice

    bhyve Can't add vm-public to em0

    When trying to add vm-public to em0 I get the following error: doas vm switch add public em0 /usr/local/sbin/vm: ERROR: failed to add member em0 to the virtual switch public My guess is that the problem is linked with the fact that I am also using sysutils/bastille to manage jails. This has...
  8. L

    bhyve vm-bhyve and VLAN

    I have read a couple of threads where the poster had seemingly the same problem as I had, but their solutions either didn't work, or I had already tried it. I'm hoping there is something I missed and that I've made a simple mistake. I have a FreeBSD 13.1 server with its main Ethernet interface...
  9. nbari

    bhyve Bhyve how to create a raw image from an existing VM

    I am using (vm -- utility to manage bhyve virtual machines) to create VMs on ZFS, here is the output of vm info containing the virtual-disk info: But how could I make a raw image? I am currently installing ubuntu 22.04 and would like to create a custom image from the VM to be used in...
  10. byrnejb

    Solved vm-bhyve says vm is already running vm stop says it cannot find the pid

    I am experimenting with virtualization on FreeBSD-12.3p5_amd64. I previously created a vm and started it. I then halted the system. Now I cannot get vm-bhyve to start it as it says : Starting vhp3k-01 * found guest in /zroot/vm/vhp3k-01 ! guest appears to be running already However, I...
  11. icodeforyou

    bhyve Alpine / Debian Linux setup via vm-bhyve not getting DHCP lease

    Hey everyone! I am trying to set up a Linux VM using bhyve for the purpose of running docker on my FreeBSD laptop (which is essential to have due to my development workflow). However when setting up a Linux VM using either Debian or Alpine images, I am unable to get the network working properly...
  12. ghoti

    bhyve Switching bhyve management tools

    I've been using iohyve to help manage bhyve instances for a couple of years, but I'd like to explore other options. Is it safe to run multiple management systems on one host (iohyve in addition to, say, cbsd or vm-bhyve), or is there a strategy for migrating guests from one to another? Is there...
  13. B

    bhyve No network connection from guest with vm-bhyve

    I am having some difficulty getting vm-bhyve working. Actually, I am having difficulty getting bhyve to work at all, but I opted to try vm-bhyve because it seems easier to use and manage compared to the native tools. I am trying to run a Linux guest (I have tried Ubuntu and Fedora) using...
  14. P

    vm-bhyve freebsd jail

    Hi, I am trying to set a jail with vm-bhyve, so I have downloaded FreeBSD 12-1 Release dvd iso, and checked the sha256 checksums, then followed this instructions -> https://github.com/churchers/vm-bhyve Everything goes well and no errors occured. But in the end of the installation, it shows...
  15. dave

    No VNC connection with bhyve?

    Hello, I am using vm-bhyve to try and run a Windows install. All seems good, but when I try to connect with VNC, I get no response. The only thing I have done differently that the usual path is to use a manual switch, since I already have one configured using iohyve. I'm testing vm-bhyvve...
  16. jdb

    vm-bhyve problems with after updating to 12.0-RELEASE

    Hey guys, After I did the update to 12.0-RELEASE I am having problems with sysutils/vm-bhyve. OS: FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE r341666 GENERIC amd64 vm-bhyve version: v1.2-p3 (build 102071) vmm_load: enabled I am trying to install windows (new install).. When...
  17. jdb

    vm-bhyve problems with ethernet (realtek) pci passtrough

    Hey guys :) I have problems with getting pci passtrough and vm-bhyve to work. Every time I start the VM the whole host system freezes and reboots (I think only when an ethernet cable is connected otherwise the VM simply won't start). The VM only starts if I comment the passtrough line out...
  18. B

    IPFW About IPFW NAT...

    I'm running vm-bhyve on freebsd11.1. one IP on igb0. # ifconfig igb0: flags=8943<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,PROMISC,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500 options=2400b9<RXCSUM,VLAN_MTU,VLAN_HWTAGGING,JUMBO_MTU,VLAN_HWCSUM,VLAN_HWTSO,RXCSUM_IPV6> ether 6c:ae:8b:60:07:ca hwaddr...
  19. henninb

    bhyve - Running Centos7 on FreeBSD

    I am very close to getting Centos7 (version 1503) running on FreeBSD 11.1 with bhyve, but I am stuck. I have used the following instructions for installation. Please let me know if you can advice how to address the /dev/mapper/centos-root issue or an alternative way to get Centos7 running in...
  20. pming

    Solved Trouble installing Windows Server 2012 R2 as bhyve VM

    Hello everyone I am trying to install Windows Server 2012 R2 (German Eval Version) as a virtual machine with bhyve. File name of the original iso is: Windows-Server-2012-R2-Eval-DE.ISO I followed the instructions at https://github.com/churchers/vm-bhyve/wiki/Running-Windows. The VM boots but...