
  1. StreetDancer

    LXDE FreeBSD-14.0-RELEASE-amd64 - LXDE - Digital Clock Settings - Hardcoded Variable Locations Anyone?

    I am running FreeBSD-14.0-RELEASE-amd64 w/ LXDE. (Mod: Nonsense deleted) Anyways... Back to the important part: My Digital Clock settings for LXDE (Variables) are set as follows for 12-HOUR: Clock Format: %X %D %A (which prints out my Clock Settings in 12-Hour Format w/ Full Date + Day of...
  2. Don ZioMario

    "Illegal variable name" error while I'm trying to install and configure Docker on FreeBSD

    Hello. I'm a new FreeBSD user, I'm looking inside the FreeBSD ecosystem for the tools that usually I use in Linux. At the moment I'm trying to install and configure docker and I found this tutorial : and I've followed up until the end. Everything...
  3. driesm

    Shell Variables in a cron entry

    I'd like to define some local variables in a cron entry so that I can create the following file /usr/local/etc/cron.d/rsync with the following contents: PATH=/etc:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin excludes="--exclude=/storage --exclude=/proc"...
  4. fullauto2012

    Shell Strange Bash problem

    While debugging a script I wrote for backups I noticed some strange problems. I snipped out the log directory sanity part of the script to show you and I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this... root@Washington:/usr/home/tim.falardeau/LOGS # ls 20160806.log 20160813.log 20160820.log...