tiling window manager

  1. NapoleonWils0n

    freebsd dwl wayland tiling window manager install

    freebsd dwl wayland tiling window manager install with patches in a separate git branch. the reason why you need to build dwl on freebsd rather than using the port or packages is because the dwl package lets you set an variable called DWL_HOME_CONFIG that points to a dwl config.h file which...
  2. Mitchell Bridges

    Other I can't get i3-blocks modules to work

    I would like to get started with i3, but I have had problems with i3 blocks never working as I wanted. Here is what I want for my bar -Cpu temp -CPU usage -memory usage What do I need for configs and packages and help is greatly appreciated.
  3. christhegeek

    Solved If someone knows how to increase picom blur strength

    If someone knows how to increase picom blur strength Unfortunately i can use only kernel blur method i have selected blur-kern = "5x5box"; Are there any parameters i can give to increase the blur strength ? By the way this parameter blur-strength doesn't seems to do anything
  4. christhegeek

    Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ?

    Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ? https://github.com/j-james/bspwm-rounded-corners https://github.com/yshui/picom Tried to compile bspwm-rounded-corners misses some dev libraries which I don't know if they are available on FreeBSD. Tried to search for...
  5. NapoleonWils0n

    Other i3wm floating sticky window perfect for video

    i3wm is a tiling window manager which has the ability to create floating sticky windows, which will remain visible when you switch workspaces This allows you to have a floating sticky window containing a video player like mpv, which will remain visible when you switch workspaces. Studies have...
  6. NapoleonWils0n

    Other Sway wayland tiling window manager now in the main repo

    Sway is a wayland tiling window manager that is intend as replacement for i3wm The i3wm tiling window manager is as the French would say "les couettes des chiens" Sway requires Wayland, running pkg search wayland returns these results kf5-kwayland-5.56.0 KF5 Client and Server...