With the operation example below, the file "._ccc" is not restored by tar.
Is this a specification ? or a bug ?
Is there any option to avoid this ?
uratan@silver:~/w % mkdir ttt
uratan@silver:~/w % touch ttt/aaa
uratan@silver:~/w % touch ttt/.bbb
uratan@silver:~/w % touch ttt/._ccc...
I have two identical directories, one mirroring the other through rsync -a. I'm trying to create a checksum of all of the files with tar. The file ordering varies between them and breaks this.
bash# pwd; tar cf - . | tar tf - | head -n 5
How can I copy files and directories without overwriting the existing metadata on the target? I have configuration files in a repository that configure the system. The source files are owned by a regular user, but the target has files owned by other users including root.
tar cf - . | tar xf -...
Odd issue:
I packed a large tarball containing a VM image on FreeBSD 10.3.
I can unpack the tarball on other FreeBSD 10.3 systems and CentOS 6.8 systems, but not on FreeBSD 10.1 or OS X.
FreeBSD login.peregrine bacon ~ 402: tar ztf Data/FreeBSD-Condor.tgz
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