
  1. nxjoseph

    Solved Building surf-browser port requires additional packages that can't be installed with pkg

    Hi. I wanted to give a try to www/surf and wanted to patch it to add bookmark patch from suckless but even though I installed all build and run depends of the port, it tries to build other additional ports like python39, gettext-tools etc. I ran commands below before trying to build surf but...
  2. R

    Cannot build slstatus from source

    I am trying to build slstatus on freebsd. Updated (Here's the git diff from original version to set the include and library paths. However, still getting the following error messages when running make: The weird thing is...
  3. NapoleonWils0n

    Solved st terminal convert terminfo to termcap

    I built the suckless st terminal from source, but the makefile use tic to add the file to the terminfo.db which freebsd doesnt use Freebsd uses termcap.db which means the st terminal has odd behavior especially with ncurses apps like newsboat and ncmpc because the termcap.db doesnt...
  4. NapoleonWils0n

    Building the dwm window manager, st terminal, sltatus on Freebsd youtube tutorial

    Hi All I recently switched from i3wm and urxvt to the suckless dwm window manager and st terminal So i decided to make a youtube video on how to build dwm, st and slstatus on Freebsd and linux, one thing i did that every other youtube tutorial on dwm seems to miss is how to apply the changes...
  5. christhegeek

    DWM I would like to give me some help about how to configure themes on dwm i have seen some themes and need some help

    I would like to give me some help about how to configure themes on dwm i have seen some themes and need some help and also if there is a complete guide to dwm (or i3) themes and patches that would be nice. Also my last testing with freebsd was with freebsd 13 and kde plasma i installed every...