
  1. charlie137

    Solved Smart card (yubiko) stopped working

    Not sure what happened, gpg smart card stopped working after the recent pkg upgrade (`latest`) run. I can see yubikeys detected just like before and they output pwd in the console when activated. But now thats pretty much all I can get. gpg status: gpg: selecting card failed: Service is not...
  2. spmzt

    Solved Yubikey 5 is not working with gpg

    Hi, How can I make the gpg work with yubikey 5? The gpg will stuck everytime I execute card related commands in gpg: gpg --card-status gpg --edit-card I follow these threads and I am sure that my freebsd recognise the yubikey: ugen0.3: at usbus0, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=FULL (12Mbps) pwr=ON (30mA)...
  3. drscream

    YubiKey Neo GPG SmartCard support

    Dear all, I know there are already some posts and threads in the forum about the YubiKey support for SSH and other services. I also got the YubiKey working with the normal HID device, but what is missing at the moment is the GPG SmartCard interface. Device: Yubikey 4 OTP+U2F+CCID Maybe...