
  1. DaLynX

    general/other Help troubleshooting slowness of freebsd guest on proxmox host

    Hello, I am running a small proxmox server with two friends. We each have an individual vm (mine running freebsd, two others linuxes) no complain on that side. I am also running a small shared services freebsd vm that hosts an nginx reverse proxy, a postfix relay and a mediawiki instance. I...
  2. S

    Poor transfer rates on SATA drives on LSI SAS3008 controller

    This is a brand-new computer, so I don't know if this is an issue with this controller or some other kind of interaction within the system. Suggestions for troubleshooting are welcome. On a fresh install of FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE, I'm only getting about 70MB/s while doing a dd if=/dev/zero...
  3. herbertpfp

    FreeBSD 13.0 HDMI audio slow motion

    Good morning, I have a stable FreeBSD 13.0 and I am very happy with my operating system that I met in October 2020 when my PC was very slow because the computer's battery was (dead) going into Powersave mode (at the time I didn't know it existed, my computer was very slow and I looked for a more...
  4. Spity

    Pkg slow to download

    I'm doing some clean FreeBSD installs and pkg is very slow to download packages (400/500 kb/s). Is there any way to choose another mirror for faster installation?
  5. edalcastillo

    raspberry pi 3 - current - pkg extract slow

    Hello !!! Someone knows why it is so slow the sd that I put it is fast everything is going very well but when I install it for example, pkg install python takes 1 hour to decompress it I thought it could be an error of pkg and probe by port ... portsnap fetch ........ Extracting snapshot ... 30...
  6. S

    Slow NFS/SMB/AFP, but fast SCP read performance

    Hi! My FreeBSD 11.2 box has the strange behavior that copying a file via NFS, SMB, or AFP is always capped at exactly 60 MByte/s. However, copying the same file to the same client via SCP immediately hits GBit line speed at 110 MByte/s. It shouldn't be a hardware limitation, I can read the...
  7. megapearl

    samba44 slows down entire system

    Hello, I regularly update my 2 FreeBSD servers using freebsd-update fetch install and portmaster -a. Both running as VM on VMWare ESXi v6.5. After last update both servers are responding extremely slow, especially ssh logins and using su to get root, and SHA256 checksums when upgrading ports...
  8. J

    Closed Why, as a programmer and desktop user, I seem I cannot give up Linux for FreeBSD

    Hello. I am a C/C++ Python and Java developer at the Elettra Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Trieste, Italy. For the control system we use and produce open source software, and we develop under linux. I have been a fan of FreeBSD since my laurea degree thesis back in 2004. To cope with work...

    bhyve guest date&time is slower and slower...

    I sometimes have a problem with time on bhyve guest. Time flows slower and slower. After restart OpenNTPd service date and time is ok. The problem occurs when I'm resetting host without shutting down the guest. Others VMs work ok with the same settings. On guest: user@vm1:~ % sudo sysctl...
  10. T

    FreeBSD with Gnome 3 is too slow on my fast hardware.

    Hi all! Some time ago I decided to use FreeBSD as a workstation. Before this I have been using MS Windows. It was my dream to migrate to FreeBSD. Now I am using FreeBSD. I chose Gnome 3 classic view as it is enough modern and beauty for me. But I am not so happy, as I expected, of it now. My...
  11. shanoplex

    Slow iocage performance

    I'm trying to determine why sysutils/iocage is so slow on my server when compared to a small VirtualBox VM on a laptop. Here are the specs of each. Let me know if more information is required! Jail Server: Model: Dell R610 CPU: Intel L5520 RAM: 32GB ECC RAM HD: 2x 120GB SSD (striped ZFS) OS...
  12. Isaac Monteiro

    USB I/O very slow

    Hi, I downloaded an 2,7 GB ISO image and copied to a pen drive formatted as ext2. The copying progress started with a write speed of 3 MB/s and went slower and slower and ended with a write speed of 627 KB/s. The copy process took me 47 minutes and I decided to test the write speed of Debian...
  13. J

    New motherboard and processor, kernel load very slow

    Hi, Until two days ago my bootup times were blazing fast, maybe 2 or 3 seconds between the BIOS screen and the base system starts loading. Then I upgraded the computer (skylake processor and a new z170 asus motherboard) and the kernel load started to do funny things. It now spends like 20...