port build

  1. ericx

    Solved cargo-c compile fails near the end with SIGKILL

    devel/cargo-c (v. 0.9.28) compile has a "Building" progress bar and at 344/348 the process appears to have stopped because of a watchdog timer? Initially the vast majority of cargo jobs complete in about a second. Several appear to take as much as 5. It does appear that as the last job in the...
  2. epopen

    14.0-RELEASE weird build world/kernel/ports behavior

    Hi All I upgraded from 13.2-RELEASE to 14.0-RELAESE by source code and one-shot build successful (git branch: releng/14.0) H/W: 16GB Physical RAM + 10 GB SWAP @ Root on ZFS But encounter build world/kernel/ports terminate anywhere randomly even code have no problem.:eek: Example (buildworld)...
  3. J

    mail/aerc Compilation error only within ports framework

    Hi, I try to bring the mail/aerc port up to date but I stumble into an issue which appears only if I try to build the port. Compilation of the version from within a local directory (just running gmake) works like a charm. But if I try to run make from within the ports directory I get the...
  4. L

    Solved Configure port with only the wanted options

    As I needed databases/luadbi to have support for PostgreSQL and not for MySQL, as the default config, and I didn't want to do this in the server, I've configured a jail in my workstation to configure the port. After building it, that port as well as some other dependencies are available at...
  5. S

    Solved Unable to access after installing any port

    We are creating custom os as the part of it. we are installing some third party ports(ex:databses/redis) and changed installation(`make DESTDIR_ENV_LIST=$PATH DESTDIR="${base}/${WORKDIR}" install`) destination path to our OS path in base machine. After installing required ports then creating...
  6. D

    Solved Installing TDE - Ninja stuck running tests on tdepim

    I am installing the FreeBSD port of Trinity, but ninja is stuck on "[29/30] Running tests.." during the make process there. I ctrl + c'd and ran make install clean again, and this time its just "[0/1] Running tests..." so I opened htop, and it's running "ninja -C...
  7. HL1234

    Version of llvm compilor framework in FreeBSD 13 and for the ports are not identical

    FreeBSD 13.0 uses now llvm-11.0.1. In /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.default-versions.mk is defined #Possible values: 70, 80, 90, 10, 11, -devel (to be used when non-base compiler is required) LLVM_DEFAULT?=90That's the version llvm-9.0.. So installing from the ports, where some ports LLVM needed, will...
  8. JonnySac

    How to make a dependency on npm-node12 or higher?

    Hello, I am making a port, and I was wondering what the proper solution is to the following dependency question. The software I am porting has a build and run dependency on Node.js v12 or higher (and actually yarn-node >= 12 also). Since there are separate ports for each LTS version...
  9. D

    Solved Issue with building the port in Jail

    Hello, I have been trying to build graphics/drm-fbsd12.0-kmod inside a Jail with make package but there I am having an issue: ===> radeonkmsfw/verde_smc (install) install -T release -o root -g wheel -m 555 radeon_verde_smc_bin.ko...
  10. D

    Checking Specific Port Status

    Hello. Let's say I want to check graphics/drm-fbsd12.0-kmod port to see if it is being build / going to be build for FreeBSD CURRENT-12.2. Where and how can I check that? P.S: As someone with Linux background I am fairly new to the Port system so please rather than posting a pkg-status link and...