
  1. B

    Disk migration under zfs

    Hi, I'm currently managing a rented server from a provider (OVH) that does not allow to natively install freeBSD. However, it is still possible and so I installed freebsd 14.1 from the official sources (the BASIC-CLOUDINIT-zfs version). My server has 4 identical hard drives (ada0, ada1, ada2...
  2. Avery Freeman

    ZFS Opinion: 2-drive mirror most capable of recovery (?)

    Hi, Are 2-drive mirrors really the easiest pools to recover one can find in the wild? If recovery capability is paramount to all other considerations, should it indefinitely be the best option? I'm asking this question because I recently had a 4-drive z-mirror fail to import, it was reported...
  3. D

    ZFS zfs error "only inactive hot spares, cache, top-level, or log devices can be removed"

    Hi, I added a disk accidentally to a pool and am trying to force remove it. NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM vault UNAVAIL 0 0 0 mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 label/disk1...