
  1. mfoacs

    Solved Strange ZFS status

    This is a strange one: I've recently reinstalled FreeBSD 14.0 on an old, non-mission critical PowerEdge R710. Two zpools were created, zsystem and zdata. Since the old BIOS doesn't give me a JBOD option, the pools were created with megaraid virtual devices all attached to the same controller...
  2. alfikmik

    Solved Nested jail won't run automatically (but starts manually)

    system: FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE HOST: cat /etc/jail.conf # jail.conf exec.start = "/bin/sh /etc/rc"; exec.stop = "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown"; exec.clean; allow.noset_hostname; allow.raw_sockets; allow.sysvipc; allow.dying; path = "/vol/jls/${name}"; host.hostname = "${name}.bsd"; parent_jail {...
  3. A

    Solved About nested virtualization for bhyve

    I know the scheme like this can be implemented: /-------------------------\ | KVM on Linux Host | | ------------------- | | | FreeBSD guest | | | | ------------- | | | | | bhyve guest | | | | | ------------- | | | ------------------- |...