Just how impossible is it to get FreeBSD to support part of existing Android phones?
I have grown very positive towards FreeBSD on desktop, but since mobile phones are a significant other device, then I find that having Android there suggests that Linux for desktop that is also, except for some...
Ok so here's the thing.:
I'm trying to purify/wipe cellphones and tablets in a safe and secure manner by using any app/program/port made for wiping HDDs and SSDs. Right now, I've tried using BCwipe to wipe the device "ugen0.2" (which is the phone I want to wipe) but it keeps resulting in an I/O...
I just learned about Sailfish for the Jolla phone made by a Finnish company, through https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/ev3qw7/how-to-quit-apple-microsoft-google-facebook-amazon. According to this, .1% of smart phones use neither operating systems by Apple or Android...
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