
  1. ntn888

    Install avahi daemon (hostname resolver) without x11

    Hi I'm running a small server on freeBSD. And want it to be discoverable through it's hostname `freesrv.local`. So I install `avahi-app` according to this. But it install's the x11 as well. Note that I'm running a minimal server environment and do not want X11!
  2. dch

    what are appropriate settings for /etc/nsswitch.conf and mdns?

    I've been using zeroconf for several years happily but I get continual log error messages from security/spiped: 2016-11-06T10:17:00.398940+00:00 wintermute spiped: NSSWITCH(_nsdispatch): mdns_minimal, hosts, getaddrinfo, not found, and no fallback provided 2016-11-06T10:17:19.095431+00:00...