
  1. B

    Does JuneOS use jails ?

    Looking at some doc it seems that juneos is using jails for jweb. But is this used for other parts of the system? Where the router engine is running? Is there any presentation of the internals somewhere ?
  2. M

    JunOS (RIPE) RPKI on FreeBSD ?

    Has anyone done this ? I have a couple FreeBSD 11.x boxes & I was thinking about installing RIPE's RPKI on one.
  3. M

    Anyone know JunOS ? uboot & loader ?

    Hello As JunOS is based on FreeBSD I'm suspecting that there are folks here who know both, partly because this is a low-level (firmware) issue. I have 2 EX4200's. 4200-1 & 4200-2 let's say. Each has 2 slices. When I bought ex4200-1 they said it had 15.x on it - it had 10.x instead on both...
  4. focaccio

    Unix and Linux - Network Subsystems

    Hi All, I'm a network engineer looking to better understand the network subsystem of FreeBSD (unix systems) and in particular how it differs from the linux kernel network subsystem. Any good links or books? I believe iproute2 (this is a package, not a subsystem, right?) is used by linux, so...
  5. PacketMan

    FreeBSD as a white box switch OS

    I can't help but wonder if this new emerging technology and market would be a perfect environment for FreeBSD to grow into. I believe it would, since Juniper Junos has proven FreeBSD can beautifully run routers and switches with rock solid stability and provide a variety of network services...
  6. gofer_touch

    “Unauthorized code” in Juniper firewalls

    I guess many of you may have already seen this. It will be interesting to see how they deal with this. http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/12/unauthorized-code-in-juniper-firewalls-decrypts-encrypted-vpn-traffic/
  7. O

    Junos Pulse Secure client

    Has anyone attempted to run the JunOS Pulse Secure client on FreeBSD? I contacted Pulse Secure support to ask if there is a native FreeBSD client, but the support person I got didn't have a clue. I've tried the RPM provided by our IT dept with linux-sun-jdk17 and linux-oracle-jdk18. The Java...
  8. A

    Why Juniper Gives Back to the BSD Community

    Michael Bushong, Senior Director of Product Management for Junos Software at Juniper Networks, wrote today on Giving Back to the BSD Community. With his permission, his text is repeated here: I have worked at Juniper in various capacities for the past 11 years. I started off as an engineering...
  9. A

    Juniper Network's EX Series Enhances the FreeBSD Project's Infrastructure

    We're pleased to announce the donation of EX4200 switches from Juniper Networks to the Project's new US East Coast site. From the press release: The FreeBSD Foundation announced today that it has deployed Juniper Networks® EX4200 Ethernet Switches with Virtual Chassis technology as the...