
  1. F

    Other Help to reformat ibm hard disk 528 to 512

    Hello, I have been trying to convert my IBM disks from 528 bytes to 512 for 4 years. I will tell you my experiences in these 4 years. I hope I can guide someone and solve this problem. You have seen 528/520 to 512 problems on many forum sites. I have always succeeded in converting different...
  2. Londo

    FreeBSD 12.x on IBM POWER9 AC922

    Hello folks, I just wanted to drop a line and see if anyone knows why my AC922 does not see the FreeBSD USB boot key I've been making for it. I'm using the Win32 imager, but also using dd just to make sure my writes to the flash drive were not an issue. The FreeBSD boot key never shows...
  3. rigoletto@

    Raptor Talos II Lite, will be around POWER9 low-end Sforza.

    Well, Rapor will bring a more affordable product built around the low-end Sforza, which they will reveal at the OpenPOWER Summit in October: Based on information I gathered around, their products are shipped with full schematics, the TDP numbers are the maximum ( apparently AMD/Intel inform...