Hi, I dont' really know if I should post that here or on OPNsense but it look more related to FreeBSD
I'm running an OPNSense VM latest version using FreeBSD 14.1 (14.1-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p6 stable/24.7-n267939-fd5bc7f34e1 SMP amd64)
The Hypervisor is Hyper-V under Windows Server...
I have run Squid on FreeBSD since FreeBSD 10.x (not sure of the exact minor version) and everything was working perfectly well. During all this years, I have regularly updated Squid and FreeBSD.
Currently I am using Squid 5.7 on FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p5 but had the same problem with...
hello !
I got a KVM server from a hosting provider (i don't know if it's allowed to tell his name).
I have 2 x CPU cores and 2 GB RAM but with any version of FreeBSD [fresh installed] my CPU it's 100% and for example when I compile KERNEL, it's about ~70% used.
Any solution/idea ?
Thanks !
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