
  1. madwebness

    Other How to set up a local alternative to CloudFlare with FreeBSD?

    CloudlFlare is bad. I won't go into too many details, but those who understand -- understand. The goal is to see if it can be replaced for less or equal money and -- in case it can be done -- to understand exactly how to approach this task. Why replace Cloudflare (tl;dr version) My estimate of...
  2. john_rambo

    Solved /etc/resolv.conf reverting after rebooting || How to set custom DNS servers ?

    Hi, I want to use Cloudflare DNS. I edited /etc/resolv.conf and added nameserver nameserver I don't know much about FreeBSD so I was unsure about which service to restart for the changes to take effect so I did a full reboot. After the reboot I found that the /etc/resolv.conf...