chrome os

  1. R

    Can Freebsd install dual systems of windows 7 and chrome os?

    I have a 2012 ALIENWARE laptop. The motherboard BIOS only has MBR and no UEFI. The machine can install a solid SSD sata3, I cut the ssd: C: 250G, it is already installed WIN7 sp1 and office 365 D: 40G, I want to install CHROME OS E: remaining space, shared file disk I have installed Windows...
  2. N

    FreeBSD more like Chrome OS?

    Hi, I figured it out that I am using FreeBSD just like Chrome OS is made. I mean, I use it for only fundamental applications and code and the rest i I use it for web. Since it's impossible to made Windows or Mac (even Linux) ecosystem of apps, how about making something similar to what Chrome OS...