
  1. I

    Why are checksums different for the exact same package from "latest" and "quarterly"?

    I'm wondering why the checksums for exactly the same package for "latest" and "quarterly" are different. For example, these two are from "latest" of "FreeBSD:14:amd64": {"name":"bhyve-firmware","origin":"sysutils/bhyve-firmware","version":"1.0_2","comment":"Collection of Firmware for...
  2. B

    Solved PGP Signed Checksum for FreeBSD Version 13.0, GPG Output: "Note: This key has expired!"

    Hi All, I download the PGP signed checksum for FreeBSD Version 13.0 from - I ran the command: gpg --keyid-format long --verify CHECKSUM.SHA256-FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-amd64.asc The output of the...
  3. I

    How do I verify a FreeBSD installation ISO image burned (or written) to a USB stick?

    How do I verify a FreeBSD installation ISO image (ie. FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso) burned --- or written :-) - to a USB stick? The USB stick is created by the following command: dd if=FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso of=/dev/da0 bs=1m conv=sync I've tried by issuing the following...
  4. I

    Check installed packages for checksum mismatches ("pkg check")

    The command "pkg check -s -a" verify the checksums against installed packages. I've tried both an Internet-connected VM and another Internet-disconnected VM and the command passes and completes without errors. 1. How does it verify the the packages? (Is it similar to "shasum -a 256 ..." and...
  5. B

    FreeBSD 12.1 Release Signed Checksum Signatures Good Signature but key expired.

    Hi All, When I verify the FreeBSD 12.1 Release signed checksum signature using gpg it say good signature but the key has expired. I tried it with -
  6. O

    Solved Changing ZFS checksum on boot device: bad idea

    Hello, I read several times that changing ZFS checksum to sha512 could improve performances. So, on a FreeBSD 11 computer installed with a ZFS boot device, I did "zfs set checksum=sha512 zroot" and everything seemed fine. Until I rebooted. When I rebooted, I had errors like: ZFS: i/o error -...