
  1. S

    libXCB (X C Binding library)

    XCB (X-protocol C-language binding) was intended to fully replace Xlib for X11: so far, XCB has gradually replaced some parts of it. Its purpose was to be more efficient and to be easier to program. X11 is a protocol. Xlib and XCB are both API's and library sets. Xlib (also called libX11) is...
  2. christhegeek

    Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ?

    Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ? Tried to compile bspwm-rounded-corners misses some dev libraries which I don't know if they are available on FreeBSD. Tried to search for...
  3. O

    Some problems for installing bspwm on freebsd

    After sudo pkg install bspwm, bspwm said it's configure file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bspwm/bspwmrc, but I found XDG_CONFIG_HOME enviroment variable is null. How to fixed it? What is XDG_CONFIG_HOME?
  4. K

    libinput breaks keymapping in sxhkd

    Hello. I'm using Thinkpad T430 with bspwm window manager and sxhkd hotkey daemon, which has several hotkey mappings: ... # focus/swap window in the given direction super + {_,shift + }{Left,Down,Up,Right} bspc node -{f,s} {west,south,north,east} ... # control speaker volume super +...
  5. D

    Solved bspwm problem

    EDIT: i I changed #! /bin/sh to /usr/bin/env tcsh this is my second day with free bsd FreeBSD, I installed it yesterday but I didn't know it has tcsh instead of bash, I don't know if this did the trick but now x11-wm/bspwm works as it should. Hi, I installed bspwm but the problem is that I...