
  1. M

    14.0 and sendmail: daily error message from "freebsd-update cron"

    My longterm home server (a HP Microserver Gen 7) runs FBSD on a ZFS raid-z2 since installation about 10 years ago. Did all the major and minor updates without major problems (except the one time it didn't boot from ZFS after an upgrade). Now I did the upgrade 13.2->14.0. Worked fine. I'm using...
  2. I

    Alternatives to OPIE ?

    OPIE was a "built-in" one time password solution in FreeBSD. Manual page OPIE(4) notes: The latest FreeBSD handbook has removed "one time password" section. I understand OPIE been deprecated due to less strength of security for modern internet. But one time password as an idea is still a good...
  3. W

    Solved Dovecot password missmatch after lastest update 01/2020

    After enable all log and debug, have found where the problem occour on auth-worker which is getting plain password and not hashing it: ... SHA512-CRYPT(plainpasswordhere) != 'HASH value from mysql' Then occours password missmatch error. Someone have same issue? PS.: Happen on last update of...
  4. Farhan Khan

    Error setting up Kerberos server - kadm5_create_principal unknown

    Hi all, I am exploring the world of Kerberos authentication, but running into an issue while trying to setup a server (not the KDC). Specifically, the following: root@kerb-server:~ # kadmin root/admin@EXAMPLE.ORG's Password: kadmin> add --random-key host/ Max ticket life...
  5. multix

    user password not recognized anymore

    Hi - I have a very strange issue. On my lpatop, I cannot "login" anymore using my standard user and the password as authentication, I believe it is related to the upgrade from 11 to 12.0-RELEASE-p3, but I am unsure. I did not notice immediately since, using a laptop, I have fingerprint...
  6. klu

    sshd "PasswordAuthentication no" has no effect

    Hi I'm trying to disable password login for all users except one, "foo". That way, for example, I can login as "bar" with public key but not password. And I can login as "foo" with password. I tried this config: AllowUsers foo bar Match User !foo PasswordAuthentication no Match all #...
  7. Charlie Root

    Solved auth.log for new user is created

    Hi, Can someone help to know how to log the action create new user by adduser command to /var/log/auth.log file? Thank for your help!
  8. F

    Fetching behind a proxy, Authentication Error

    Afternoon all, At work I have a VM on my laptop for testing and general respite from Windows, it's running FreeBSD 10.3: bil@fbsd-bil:guessing_game %>uname -a FreeBSD fbsd-bil 10.3-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3 #0: Tue May 17 08:43:55 UTC 2016...