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  1. ljboiler

    UFS Undelete

    TestDisk documentation here.
  2. ljboiler

    Using the date command to adjust date/time

    The date command as shown in the 3rd synopsis should do what you are looking for. The combination of the -j option and the new_date provides a way to provide the 'starting date/time' without actually setting the system clock, and the -v will do the requested adjustment to that and print it.
  3. ljboiler

    Boot logo

    What about bitmap_load and bitmap_name in loader.conf
  4. ljboiler

    chmod 777 /dev/dri/renderD128 - Keeps resetting after reboot.

    Are these GPU acceleration tasks some custom-built programs? If you trust them not to harm your system, you could just change the owner of those programs to root and set the SUID bit (see chmod)
  5. ljboiler

    vbox How to log in virtual BSD

    For the ‘live image’, the user is ‘root’, no password.
  6. ljboiler

    Copy paste from gui-editor towards console-editor

    Shift-Ins to paste also works for paste in xterm windows.
  7. ljboiler

    Can't connect the custom repository via SSH

    ssh is not a valid scheme for a URL.
  8. ljboiler

    Solved starting port updates

    From what has been posted here in the forums, the ports repository is being transitioned from SVN to git, and updates to the repository have been stopped until that is complete.
  9. ljboiler

    Ports transitioned to git.

    Silly me. I was going by the past tense of the thread subject, assuming that it was a done deal...
  10. ljboiler

    Ports transitioned to git.

    git -C /usr clone ports Cloning into 'ports'... fatal: repository '' not found Shouldn't this work?
  11. ljboiler

    how to change a library version number?

    You did not fully answer question from SirDice, so I ask a different question: where is source of pwm tools you are trying to install? Perhaps pwm tools can be changed to look for unicorn 1.0.2 instead of 1.0.2rc3 or 1.0.2rc4.
  12. ljboiler

    pkg wants to reinstall over port

    pkg lock is your friend when you need specific options for a port. Building the port actually created a local "package" which then got installed on your system. pkg lock <package> tells pkg not to touch that one, ever, if there's a difference between what is installed locally and what is in...
  13. ljboiler

    how to change a library version number?

    Change the python module to use version 1.0.2 without the -rcX part. I cannot say how to do this since the python module is unknown. P.S. Why do people insist on making software that depends on 'release candidates' rather than an official release of a dependent module?
  14. ljboiler

    Solved About dependencies

    Something built against a particular version of gcc will require the low-level runtime components of that version of gcc to actually run. On FreeBSD, an installation of gcc includes both the build tools (compiler/linker/etc) and those low-level runtime parts. There is no separate port/package...
  15. ljboiler

    Updating source tree with git

    ... especially the .svn directory, as this is where SVN stores all its metadata and is rather large.
  16. ljboiler

    Ports manpage: Need for clarification of make target function and behavior

    From list of targets in # config - Configure options for this port (using ${DIALOG}). # Automatically run prior to extract, patch, configure, build, # install, and package. Defining the make variable...
  17. ljboiler

    Apps running on Xorg stutter or hiccup (but running glxgears stops it!)

    Try the mesa-demos package - glxgears is part of that, as well as a bunch of other OpenGL demo programs.
  18. ljboiler

    The llvm "saga"

    I suggest to see which llvm versions on your system are shown to actually be required by something:pkg info -rx llvm On my machine, the results are: % pkg info -rx llvm llvm10-10.0.1_4: mesa-dri-20.2.3_1 In the past, I've seen multiple llvm versions listed, and some of those showed...
  19. ljboiler

    HEADS UP: FreeBSD changing from Subversion to Git this weekend

    I did this:git clone -b stable/12 --depth 1 src.git I used --depth 1 because I don't care about all the history; I just want the source code. Without that, it takes a whole lot longer to download, but the result, currently, is smaller than the SVN...