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    amule 2.3.3 - gui freezes

    Unfortunately no; there's rare content that's unfortunately impossible to find on bittorrent.
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    Other Files disappear after reboot on NTFS partition

    grahamperrin I rebuilt fuse-ntfs from ports without libublio -- and I can confirm that it works now without issue. The performance seems to be good too -- though I didn't rigorously benchmark that. Didn't have a chance to test your patch yet though; i'll follow up if I do.
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    Other NTFS doesn't unmount cleanly on shutdown

    Huh? Microsoft isn't responsible for fuse-ntfs. It's fuse-ntfs devs' responsibility to make it work like it works on Windows, and Microsoft not supporting it has nothing to do with it being a bug or not.
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    Other NTFS doesn't unmount cleanly on shutdown

    Oh thanks! this didn't show up in my searches! Another filesystem isn't an option for me -- that's the Windows partition. However I don't care about performance here -- so I'll try building without libublio and see if it helps. Can't believe such blatant bugs are still open after 8 years :\
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    Other NTFS doesn't unmount cleanly on shutdown

    I have an NTFS partition that's mounted in fstab like so: /dev/nvd0p5 /windows ntfs mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,rw,failok,fmask=113,dmask=002 0 0 When I modify a file on the partition and reboot (with shutdown -r now say) into either Windows or FreeBSD, then...
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    UFS Recover Files Removed with RM

    I just wanted to post an update: I managed to recover what seems like over 99% of the data. I couldn't figure out how to use those tools out-there, and most of them don't even seem to be applicable. Instead I loaded the UFS free-bitmaps and scanned for free blocks that look like indirect blocks...
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    How i install the source code in FreeBSD?

    For future googlers: since FreeBSD 13.0 switched to git, one would get the sources following the instructions in # pkg install git # git clone -b releng/13.0 /usr/src
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    C mmap() /dev/ada drive or partition?

    You seem to assume that /dev/ada is some sort of a black box -- but it is not. AFAIK all mass storage devices are presented logically as a linearly addressable sequence of bytes, that can be read and written with pread and pwrite like any regular file. That's how you'd use dd to flash an image...
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    UFS Recover Files Removed with RM

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll use the different tools and see what works. That's not urgent (though is valuable) -- and I won't try any closed source tools or tools that modify the filesystem (like fsck) without creating a full clone first. sysutils/ffs2recov doesn't compile. Also seems...
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    C mmap() /dev/ada drive or partition?

    I'm not asking to mmap a FIFO -- that, of course, would be insane. I expected mmap'ing a partition to be a rather trivial and useful case, and was surprised that it didn't work. I don't know what's the "black daemon book" you're referring to. I did look at the kernel source, however; but from...
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    C mmap() /dev/ada drive or partition?

    I'd like to mmap a raw /dev/ada drive or partition, but mmap returns "Invalid argument". Is it unsupported? int fd = open("/dev/ada0p2", O_RDONLY); if(fd < 0) err(EX_OSERR, "open"); void *p = mmap(0, 32*1024*1024, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if(p == MAP_FAILED) err(EX_OSERR...
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    UFS Recover Files Removed with RM

    I appreciate the answers above, they may help in OPs specific scenario. However, I ran into a similar situation right now, except that my files are about 300GB of photographs. I accidentally executed the equivalent of mv -f file dir instead of mv file dir/file. I unplugged the system within a...
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    Other Can't use FUSE mounts

    Hi, so I've been using testdisk to read exfat cards for a while, therefore this wasn't a critical issue so far. Yet this issue persists, so I gave another shot at trying to fix it. As it appears the problem is not with the card, nor with exfat. There's something wrong with FUSE in general. I...
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    Other Can't use FUSE mounts

    Thank you guys, but your suggestions don't resolve the issue. I'm not using the automounter. I already have fusefs-exfat installed and running, and that's what I'm using to mount the card above. I'm not sure how configuring the automounter to call fuse instead of calling fuse manually would...
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    Other Can't use FUSE mounts

    Hi, I can mount the card successfully, but when I ls it, it fails. The card reads fine on another machine, and I could properly mount it a few months ago on FreeBSD 11.2. Here's the terminal log: # uname -a FreeBSD orthanc 12.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p3 GENERIC amd64 # dmesg ...
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    Screen video capture/grabbing

    OK, thanks everybody! I forgot the -i :0.0+0,0 switch. I assumed that it should work without it, but it didn't. And the error message wasn't helpful at figuring it out. Now it works great!
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    Screen video capture/grabbing

    Thank you, but I already tried multimedia/recordmydesktop. The result is choppy, it seems to encode the video in the end (which is a problem for long sessions) and the worst part is that it decides to tweak screen settings along with the following output: Initial recording window is set to: X:0...
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    Screen video capture/grabbing

    As of 2018 there's no 'X11GRAB' option in multimedia/ffmpeg. I run 'make config' and the only relevant option that I see is 'XCB', which says 'X11 grabbing using XCB'. I compiled and installed multimedia/ffmpeg with this option enabled, but it still says that Requested output format 'x11grab'...
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    C How to link with lapacke?

    This isn't true, I managed to link without -lquadmath. Thanks but I prefer compiling with clang. Thanks, this did it!
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    C How to link with lapacke?

    I'm trying to compile the following file: #include <lapacke.h> int main() { LAPACKE_dgelsy(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } Following some dependencies hunt I figured out that the following libraries are needed: $ c++ fail.cpp -isystem /usr/local/include/ -L/usr/local/lib -llapacke...