Re-reading rc.conf without rebooting,

/etc/rc.conf is the file configuring rc(8), the scripts for booting (and shutdown).

Of course, anything you can configure there can also be done manually (like starting some services, (re)-configuring some network interfaces, ....). But you have to ask more specifically about that.
To give an example of what zirias@ is saying:
You have a service "blah" that is currently disabled by default.
If you try to service blah start it should fail with a message about "blah not enabled".
You then edit /etc/rc.conf to add "blah_enable=YES", then run service blah start; the service blah will start.

So every time you run a service script, /etc/rc.conf is read.
I believe it depends.

If you added a service that was not in the configuration before: service <newservice> onestart

If you want to start a service that was not enabled before: service <newservice> start

If you reconfigured a running service and want it to restart, reloading its configuration: service <thatservice> restart
Networking in FreeBSD can be weirdly unpredictable.

Through trial and error and frustration, over some years, I arrived at this, which I typically run after sleeping the computer on a wired network at home then waking it on a wired network elsewhere:

ls /var/run/resolvconf/interfaces/ ; route delete default ; ifconfig wlan0 down && ifconfig em0 down && sleep 5 ; ls /var/run/resolvconf/interfaces/ ; ifconfig em0 up && sleep 15 ; ls /var/run/resolvconf/interfaces/ ; cat /etc/resolv.conf ; ping -c 2 -4

em(4) in my case.