Solved Date set at 2184...

Hi guys,

I am trying to fix this issue, but the system date is stuck advance on the future and NTPD is unable to fix this at boot time, I have to change it every time manually:

$ doas ntpdate -v -b
 5 Oct 22:30:04 ntpdate[31669]: ntpdate 4.2.8p15-a (1)
23 May 09:44:24 ntpdate[31669]: step time server offset -829030653.185773 sec
$ doas service ntpd stop
Stopping ntpd.
Waiting for PIDS: 42923.
$ doas service ntpd start
Starting ntpd.

However these changes aren't saved anywhere...
If you reboot the system, stop in the bios, does the time show correctly? If not, change it to be correct and reboot again, stop in bois and check. It's quite likely the little button battery used for the RTC needs to be changed.
I found the issue and it is my fault (?), I put KVM for paravirtualization on Virtualbox and this setting doesn't like to the ntp daemon, removing this setup the date is reported properly... 🤦‍♂️