I like FreeBSD.
I can install it using an USB thumbdrive in less then 10 minutes. Switched offer back in 2017, because I felt more an more out of touch with Fedora which I had been using at that time for almost 10 years, before that LinuxFromScratch for almost another decade. What I really love about FreeBSD is the documentation, how everything fits so well together and is separate on the same time. There is actually a structure and not a lot of moving parts. So when I adjust something in a place forget about it and come back later a year or two it's still there doing it's job and not the whole ecosystem changed under my feet.
That now git is being used, takes the whole experience to a completely new level. The source is now easy accessable too.
Did I need to put a lot of effort into finding my way around, looking back, not really, when I came from Linux the idea of having a handbook seemed kind of strange to me because why bother looking something up when my world is constantly changing. In the end I always ended up reading the handbook just to discover that it actually worked what had been written there. I didn't need to spend hours an hours searching the internet for a recipe which by the time I found it had already been out of date. So I started investing money in books like Absolute FreeBSD and read them, it's just awesome. Latest example, I wanted to use plex for my "Memories", but I wanted it separate, I somehow remembered jails, I took the book Absolute FreeBSD read a few pages, then I became hesitant because it had been a long day and I didn't wanted to spend another two to three hours in front of my laptop, but I tried it anyway. Setting up the jail including the installation of plex and rclone, putting my data into the cloud encrypted using rclone took all in all just 30 minutes! 30 minutes, the whole experience felt to me like I had invented the wheel, discovered fire and went to the moon and back.
FreeBSD lets me get stuff done, which is something I really missed! <3