Why is FreeBSD not (more) like ....

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Staff member
As of today, FreeBSD Forums staff will actively close down (and eventually remove) topics that serve no other purpose than to complain that "FreeBSD is not (like) Linux" (or Windows, or MacOS, or any other operating system), or that "FreeBSD does not use systemd", or that "FreeBSD has no default GUI", or that "FreeBSD does not encrypt gremlins", etc. This also includes topics that devolve into that kind of debate.

Note that this is a general user and administrator forum, where the community aims to assist those who want to install, run, or upgrade FreeBSD as-is. Discussions about what FreeBSD needs to be, or needs to add, or needs to lose, are pointless on the forums. We do not maintain the operating system here.

Those discussions are best held on the FreeBSD mailing lists, where active development and maintenance of the operating system are discussed and performed in excruciating detail. If you do not know which mailing list to use, start at FreeBSD Questions. Do note that "Why is FreeBSD not more like Linux?" topics that do not go into specifics and serve no other purpose than to complain will not be welcomed there either.
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