Compiling MariaDB Galera 10 problems


I'm trying to compile MariaDB Galera Cluster 10 from source, but I'm having some problems compiling.

I'm using this source "" and ran into this problem:

-- MariaDB 10.0.21

-- Packaging as: mariadb-galera-10.0.21-FreeBSD10.0-x86_64

getconf: no such configuration parameter `LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE'


-- Configuring OQGraph

-- Boost version: 1.55.0

-- OQGraph OK

-- checking for module 'kytea'

--   package 'kytea' not found

-- CONNECT: GCC: Some warnings disabled

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

I think this is the only thing I'm missing, there were some other missing dependencies but I managed to install these. I have been looking for the KyTea module, but I haven't had any luck digging it up, can someone help me with this one?

I am quite new to FreeBSD, so please excuse me if this should be a simple thing.

Best Regards
Soren Hansen
Hello cpm,

Thanks for quick reply, but iI can't use that one, it doesn't have the Galera support, which is needed for running in cluster.

Already tried that, but it seems MariaDB version 10 needs more dependencies than version 5.5, so I can't use that one :)
Already tried that, but it seems MariaDB version 10 needs more dependencies than version 5.5, so i can't use that one :)

Please, consider to contact with the mariadb100 port maintainer:
% make maintainer -C /usr/ports/databases/mariadb100-server