Makes the wrapped text bold, italic, underlined, or struck-through.
- Example:
- This is [B]bold[/B] text.
This is [I]italic[/I] text.
This is [U]underlined[/U] text.
This is [S]struck-through[/S] text.
- Output:
This is bold text.
This is italic text.
This is underlined text.
This is struck-through text.
Changes the color, font, or size of the wrapped text.
- Example:
- This is [COLOR=red]red[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#0000cc]blue[/COLOR] text.
This is [FONT=Courier New]Courier New[/FONT] text.
This is [SIZE=1]small[/SIZE] and [SIZE=7]big[/SIZE] text.
- Output:
This is red and blue text.
This is Courier New text.
This is small and big text.
Creates a link using the wrapped text as the target.
- Example:
- [URL]https://www.example.com[/URL]
- Output:
Links the wrapped text to the specified web page or email address.
- Example:
- [URL=https://www.example.com]Go to example.com[/URL]
[EMAIL=example@example.com]Email me[/EMAIL]
- Output:
Links to a user's profile. This is generally inserted automatically when mentioning a user.
- Example:
- [USER=1]Username[/USER]
- Output:
Display an image, using the wrapped text as the URL.
- Example:
- [IMG]https://forums.freebsd.org/styles/freebsd/xenforo/logo.og.png[/IMG]
- Output:
Embeds media from approved sites into your message. It is recommended that you use the media button in the editor tool bar.
Approved sites:
- Example:
- [MEDIA=youtube]kQ0Eo1UccEE[/MEDIA]
- Output:
- An embedded YouTube player would appear here.
Displays a bulleted or numbered list.
- Example:
- [LIST]
[*]Bullet 1
[*]Bullet 2
[*]Entry 1
[*]Entry 2
- Output:
Changes the alignment of the wrapped text.
- Example:
- [LEFT]Left-aligned[/LEFT]
- Output:
Displays text that has been quoted from another source. You may also attribute the name of the source.
- Example:
- [QUOTE]Quoted text[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=A person]Something they said[/QUOTE]
- Output:
Hides text that may contain spoilers so that it must be clicked by the viewer to be seen.
- Example:
- [SPOILER]Simple spoiler[/SPOILER]
[SPOILER=Spoiler Title]Spoiler with a title[/SPOILER]
- Output:
Allows you to display text inline among normal content which hides text that may contain spoilers and must be clicked by the viewer to be seen.
- Example:
- You have to click the following [ISPOILER]word[/ISPOILER] to see the content.
- Output:
You have to click the following word to see the content.
Displays text in one of several programming languages, highlighting the syntax where possible.
- Example:
- General code:
Rich code:
PHP code:
[CODE=php]echo $hello . ' world';[/CODE]
JS code:
[CODE=javascript]var hello = 'world';[/CODE]
- Output:
General code:
Rich code:
PHP code:
JS code:
Allows you to display code inline among normal post content. Syntax will not be highlighted.
- Example:
- Inline code sections [ICODE]are a convenient way[/ICODE] of displaying code inline.
Rich formatting within inline code sections [ICODE=rich]is [COLOR=red]also[/COLOR] [U]supported[/U][/ICODE].
- Output:
Inline code sections are a convenient way
of displaying code inline.
Rich formatting within inline code sections is also supported
Indents the wrapped text. This can be nested for larger indentings.
- Example:
- Regular text
[INDENT]Indented text[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2]More indented[/INDENT]
- Output:
Regular text
Indented text
More indented
Special markup to display tables in your content.
- Example:
[TH]Header 1[/TH]
[TH]Header 2[/TH]
[TD]Content 1[/TD]
[TD]Content 2[/TD]
- Output:
Header 1 | Header 2 |
Content 1 | Content 2 |
Marks text as a structured heading to facilitate machine readability.
- Example:
- [HEADING=1]Major heading[/HEADING]
This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.
[HEADING=2]Minor heading[/HEADING]
When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.
If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.
- Output:
Major heading
This text comes under a major heading, used to separate the primary sections of an article.
Minor heading
When you need to subdivide the primary sections of an article, use a level 2 minor heading.
If you require additional subdivision, you may drop to level 3.
Disables BB code translation on the wrapped text.
- Example:
- [PLAIN]This is not [B]bold[/B] text.[/PLAIN]
- Output:
This is not [B]bold[/B] text.
Inserts an attachment at the specified point. If the attachment is an image, a thumbnail or full size version will be inserted. This will generally be inserted by clicking the appropriate button.
- Example:
Thumbnail: [ATTACH]123[/ATTACH]
Full size: [ATTACH=full]123[/ATTACH]
- Output:
- The contents of the attachments would appear here.
Creates a named anchor
- Example:
- [anchor]link-me[/anchor]
- Output:
Adds a background color to a text. Use a 6-digit hex code or define a simple color name like 'yellow' (no quotes).
- Example:
- [bgcolor=yellow]some text that should have a background color[/bgcolor]
[bgcolor=#FFFF00]some text that should have a background color[/bgcolor]
- Output:
some text that should have a background color
some text that should have a background color
A command as typed from the keyboard. The optional parameter is for a prompt string, like "#".
- Example:
- [cmd]ps ax[/cmd], [cmd]top[/cmd], [cmd=#]rm tmp.txt[/cmd]
- Output:
ps ax
, top
, # rm tmp.txt
Create a link to a specific commit of the FreeBSD version control system in the source (src), document (doc) or ports (ports) tree.
- Example:
- [commit=src]8ae9921f2e9e770462613bb6bae76a470dbdfcbd[/commit]
- Output:
Show deleted content with a strike-through.
- Example:
- [del]outdated information[/del], [del]no longer applies[/del]
- Output:
outdated information, no longer applies
Show a filename, pathname, or device name.
- Example:
- [file]rc.conf[/file], [file]/usr/local/bin[/file], [file]/dev/null[/file], [file]bge0[/file], [file]portmaster[/file]
- Output:
rc.conf, /usr/local/bin, /dev/null, bge0, portmaster
Show highlighted text.
- Example:
- [highlight]some text that should be highlighted[/highlight]
- Output:
some text that should be highlighted
Create a link to a manual page.
- Example:
- [man]pf[/man], [man=5]rc.conf[/man]
- Output:
Show literal text including BBCodes.
- Example:
- [noparse]Use [file]/etc/rc.conf[/file] to show tag use.[/noparse]
- Output:
Use [file]/etc/rc.conf[/file] to show tag use.
Create a link to a Ports Collection manual page.
- Example:
- [pman=1]rsync[/pman], [pman=5]xorg.conf[/pman]
- Output:
Create a link to a ported program's page on Freshports. Requires category and port name separated by a slash.
- Example:
- [port]www/apache22[/port]
- Output:
Create a link to a problem (bug) report.
- Example:
- [pr]123456[/pr]
- Output:
Create a link to a forum thread.
- Example:
- [thread]xenforo-test-thread.48173[/thread], [thread]48173[/thread]
- Output:
Create a link to a user's information page.
- Example:
- [user=1]admin[/user]
- Output: