Void Linux likely dead

Isn't "leadership offline" part of any meaningful emergency planning? Or the "what if core infrastructure breaks down" scenario?
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It's not dead - they only lost control over some of their infrastructure. In theory, they could just fork it.

After having used it for a while (not anymore though), I would find it sad to see it disappear.
Wow how much hostility just for telling the truth, not even the forum is worth it.
You walked into a full church on a Sunday afternoon and proclaimed God doesn't exist[*]. What kind of a response did you expect? A standing ovation?

[*] Odd metaphor perhaps but some of use are quite religious when it comes to their favorite OS.
Almost 40% of all internet traffic goes through Netflix FreeBSD servers. Much of the rest at some point goes through Juniper Networks equipment running FreeBSD. None of this takes into account everything else that runs FreeBSD. Trolls don't know that. Why are you here trollling -Snake- ?
It is what has to use a license that basically says "violate my code as you want as long as you say that that is my code" that everyone will violate it, like nintendo, playstation etc...
the "core team" is more concerned with nonsense like the disgusting code of conduct

The new CoC is hugely disappointing but it's unlikely to have any (neither positive, nor negative) impact on the project. If core team decides to take the next logical step in their pursuit of inclusiveness and adopts javascript for driver development, then it's truly gone off the rails. This hasn't happened (yet).

It is what has to use a license that basically says "violate my code as you want as long as you say that that is my code" that everyone will violate it, like nintendo, playstation etc...

Do I see GPL-trolling there?
With dead I mean at the community level, FreeBSD is not as communitarian as it seems and the authoritarian expulsion of John Marino proves it.
Yep, ridiculous trolling. I did some "porting" myself, submitted three of them, two were accepted and integrated very quickly, no commit rights needed for this. The one that wasn't accepted had bugs, I lacked experience back then. Now try for example to get your own Debian package in the official repos.
It is what has to use a license that basically says "violate my code as you want as long as you say that that is my code" that everyone will violate it, like nintendo, playstation etc...
Every contributor is free to contribute or not.

This is what the licence requests you do when you use the code. So no one you mentioned violates that licence. If you don't like it that way, you need not contribute.

If it had not been that way, we would most likely not use tcp/ip for the internet. Boy, that would be a win for open source, wouldn't it?
Void Linux developer team has already taken control over voidlinux.eu server and over the Freenode's #voidlinux IRC channel, so given the devotion, the professionality and seriousness of some devs I'm quite confident the project is not going to die any time soon, rather it will continue improving..A lot of new users and contributors are joining the github community; packaging for xbps (at least on glibc) is very easy and a clear manual (comparable to a simply Porter's Handbook) is available on github .

What amazes me is rather Juan Romero (creator of Void Linux and xbps package manager, former NetBSD developer, even author of some major kernel commits) : I mean he's undoubtedly a great developer (just look at xbps/xbps-src, and at his commits to NetBSD,or contributions on source-changes mailing list until 2008). However, he first slowly disappeared from NetBSD (unofficially AFAIK), without a clear line on what he was still maintaining and what not (until 7.1.2, some files in /etc on NetBSD's base system still pointed to xtreame, Romero's nickname).

Then, within the last year and a half, he slowly disappeared from Void Linux' forums, github repo, and IRC channel (as well as any social media). He was maintainer of many packages in xbps repo, which were either left outdated,or adopted by other packagers,or dropped
I had noticed that long ago,but assumed he was simply going to retire leaving everything in the hands of the other core developers (around 10 people). Istead,he just went missing.

So, assuming it wasn't a sudden, unpredictable,unfortunate event to cause this, this has to be seen as the result of a long process, worsened in a long period, during which Romero had all the time to transfer servers', IRC's ownership, nominate new maintainers, and above all, transfer the beneficiary of donations from himself (physical person) to a Void Linux legal entity, which factually doesn't even exist (donors may now ask where their money has been invested in in the last year, given all developers are volunteers, and no sponsorship campaign was carried out).

Onthe other hand, I really just hope nothing bad happened to him
Every contributor is free to contribute or not.

This is what the licence requests you do when you use the code. So no one you mentioned violates that licence. If you don't like it that way, you need not contribute.

If it had not been that way, we would most likely not use tcp/ip for the internet. Boy, that would be a win for open source, wouldn't it?

Yes, that's true, in fact for some scenarios a permissive license like bsd/mit may be more accurate, I'm not a fan of gpl or a specific license.
Thank you for responding politely.
Besides not using systemd what was it that made it interesting?

Some other cool stuff in Void:

- LibreSSL

- xbps packaging system, with set of utils which resembles pkg_install from pkgsrc, and xbps-src, to compile from source, which again, takes after a lot pkgsrc phylosophy Both tools are BSDv2-licensed

- The init is actually sysutils/runit, extrenely fast,lightweight and easy to use (services are basic sh scripts). I also used it on FreeBSD for service jails. Besides that, a stable port for another great init, skernet's s6 is available in repo and offering larger supervision capabilities and service dependencies' control.

- all architectures offer a glibc-free, musl-based port (here comes Oko's love I guess). musl is indeed much more lightweight and better performing on embedded, but its main advantage is security

- uses a vanilla,unpatched kernel, with a minimal default config

- eudev as device state event deamon

- dracut as default initramfs creator

- packages often are not by default compiled against pulseaudio or other heavy stuff (pulseaudio is rather offered as a build option for source-compiling), configure/make flags for packages are wisely choiced so as to present the user with sonething different fron the classical Arch Linux bloated software

- all software supporting sndio is compiled against sndio by default

- great support for ARM and especially i686 (which many distros are dropping)

- uses OpenBSD's mandoc instead of man.db for its manpages database

- includes a working NetBSD's rumpkernels port in repo

- dash is the default system interpreter

- OpenDoas (Linux doas port) in repo. one of Void core maintainer is also the current OpenDoas maintainer

Generally speaking, basically niche embedded-oriented a distro which tries to emulate OpenBSD (I put the stress ont he word 'try').

Personally I installed it on my Rpi3 for a mini-server
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