Solved Which port for kornshell?


What would be the port you would recommend to someone who wants to try Kornshell?
I thought it would be wise to ask directly to those who have already installed some of the ports in the repository since there are many of them:

ast-ksh-20141224_1................KornShell 93
ksh-1.0.6..................................ksh93u+m is the renewed development of ksh93 based on AT&T ksh93u+m (stable)
ksh-devel-2023.06.14..............ksh93u+m is the development branch ksh93 based on AT&T ksh93u+ (stable)
ksh93-93.u_3,2........................AT&T KornShell ksh93u+ 2012-08-01 (stable) version
mksh-59c.................................MirBSD Korn Shell
oksh-7.3,1................................Portable OpenBSD Korn shell
oksh-static-7.3,1......................Portable OpenBSD Korn shell (rescue(8) version)
pdksh-5.2.14p2_6....................The Public Domain Korn Shell

Thank you.
First four seem to be somewhat the same AT&T AST ksh, with ast-ksh and ksh93 being "legacy" old versions, and ksh/ksh-devel being active forks.
FreeBSD ports currently doesn't have a few or some versions on that list.
That seems to be a list from /usr/ports/shells/, no?
$ ls -d1 /usr/ports/shells/*ksh*

(Or even output from pkg search?)
So, a full version of OpenBSD's Korn shell listed is not in ports. I missed the others in the search by looking for korn and not ksh.

In FreeBSD ports:
shells/oksh               Portable OpenBSD Korn shell (rescue(8) version)

The more complete version is listed as oksh, and the rescue one as oksh-static.
oksh-7.3,1................................Portable OpenBSD Korn shell
oksh-static-7.3,1......................Portable OpenBSD Korn shell (rescue(8) version)

It would be nice to know a little more about the complete version of oksh from OpenBSD, in comparison to the rescue oksh, and perhaps to mksh here.
FreeBSD ports currently doesn't have a few or some versions on that list. Maybe some are meant for overall comparison of Korn shells among BSD's.

Why? This doesn't say much.

It's a long time since I used it (pdksh), but when I did try it I found it a very buggy and incomplete implementation of ksh93. It didn't help that the original implementer was a jerk that trolled usenet.
Thank guys for your response !!
I decided to start with oksh and if it goes well I'll keep it, if not I'll try mksh then ksh.

Wow I didn't catch all these threads, thank you for the links, it actually helped me start with it.

So at the moment I am using oksh, I am still struggling a bit with some stuff I am used to with bash(since it is mostly what I use), but apart from that it is not bad.
I am trying it as an interactive shell only, I won't script with it because as a non-programmer I already have to much in my plate with sh and bash.

What I like so far:
_ shared history between terminals.
_ ability to move the cursor to every words even when there are slashes(/).
_ size of the package compared to others shells . I didn't see all of them but from what I saw it is already impressive, I mean for its size it's doing pretty well.

~ : doas pkg info bash | grep Flat  
Flat size      : 9.28MiB
~ : doas pkg info zsh | grep Flat   
Flat size      : 19.7MiB
~ : doas pkg info fish | grep Flat  
Flat size      : 15.5MiB
~ : doas pkg info oksh | grep Flat  
Flat size      : 309KiB
~ : doas pkg info mksh | grep Flat  
Flat size      : 394KiB
~ : doas pkg info ksh | grep Flat   
Flat size      : 1.78MiB